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         Living with your Psychic Gifts

You will be what is termed in the psychic world as a 'sensitive'. Those who are deemed a sensitive are people who are naturally more sensitive to the energy, moods and feelings of people, more so than your average person.

                          Could This Be You?


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- 1 stories Experiment Combination Data 4/12/09 8:25 AM - 5/12/09 3:47 AM - Experiment Combination Data Combination Observed Visitors Observed Conversions Conversion Rate Conversion Range Chance to Beat Original Observed Improvement Combination Status 9 - Original 0 3 3 100.000000 40.909933 0.000000 0.000000 0 Enabled - Combination 1 1 2 2 100.000000 54.239421 50.000000 0.000000 1 Enabled - Combination 2 2 6 6 100.000000 23.917337 50.000000 0.000000 2 Enabled - Combination 3 3 1 1 100.000000 83.507051 50.000000 0.000000 3 Enabled - Combination 4 4 1 1 100.000000 83.507051 50.000000 0.000000 4 Enabled

 You will perhaps know when someone is in a bad mood and they haven't said a word, or you know who is on the phone before you've picked up the receiver. Perhaps you have had experiences of seeing those who have passed on into life on the 'otherside' or seen things out of the corner of your eye.

Some people find their psychic gifts disturbing, something that frightens them especially when perhaps they find themselves able to predict events in the future or can 'feel' when someone is going to die. The way to handle these gifts is not to hide from them, but to embrace and understand the psychic world. This is so you are then able to control your experiences.

An energy field out of control or new to the environment of psychic gifts, psychic medium abilities, and clairvoyant skills will for instance 'pop' light bulbs and other electrical appliances. This is because the increase in psychic activity within the auric field creates an energy pocket that disrupts some electrical goods. The way to stop this happening is to develop your abilities. All will then calm down to a manageable place and you will begin to enjoy your increase in sixth sensory skills. Your psychic gifts will when embraced, enable you to understand your inner nature, and what's important to you.

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                     Spiritual Realm    Editor Debbie Decker    Copyright 2009
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