What makes a good ghost hunter? 

                                                                 QUIZZ ME 

                        What time of the day do you think you would most likey to a ghost? 

                                  1. Mornig time?    2. Night time?    3. Day time?   4. Anytime?


                                                  The Answer:     is   Anytime!

          What should you do first before you begin your ghost investigtion   

    1.   Take notes?   2. Stay out late the night before?  3. Be ready to get scayed? 4. Have Some plans?

                 Answer:             Is make some plans so eveyone know who dose what.               

                               Your with the one you team  up with  why team up?

     1. Its fun that way?  2. You need help?  3.  You need each other to stay awake?  4. It's safer?

           Answer:          It's much safer to be with someone if you get into some trouble.

                                              What make a good ghost hunter? 

   1. Your on a ghost team?   2.You have read alot of books on it?  3. You know alot about it?    4.               You have been working very hard and learning as much as you can.

       Answer:    Learn

                                               Whats the differnts Ghost or spirit?

  1. Ghost you can see with your eyes?    2.Spirits are just around but you can't see them?   3.Spirits and ghost look the same?       4. Ghost and spirits are the same thing?  

                                          Answer: A spirit is a ghost.

You're 87% part Ghost Believer

You totally believe. You have likely had an otherworldly meeting with a ghost. You would like to make contact and find out just what they are. You're not afraid of them in general, but recognize they could be dangerous.

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                What               Spiritual Realm   Editor Debbie Decker Copieright 2009

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