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                                      You can purchase these items at:                           

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                        Tips about candle's fragrancess.   Ghost like candles too!  

APPLE BLOSSOM- This fragrancess is beneficial for connecting with nature spirits.

GARDENIA- Nature are drawn to Gardenia. It stimulates telepathy with the spiritual ream.

LAVENDER- This is a herb that eases stress and facilitates altered states of consciousnes. 

LEMON- Good spirit are drawn to the scents it was often used for mediums.

VIOLET-  Violet is the flower of the fairy queen. Nature spirit draw to it. 

CARNATION- Carnation is a facilitates may provide protection against spirits beings, especially the discarnate.. Balances.

LILAC- Lilac is one of the most beneficial fragrances for connecting with the spirits realm.

ROSEMARY- This herb, and its fragrances, is sacred to the elf kingdom. 

 CAMOMILE-  Devic orders associated nature . Balances.

ROSE- Spiritual guides of love and joy are drawn to us when the scent of rose is present.

WISTERIA- This fragrances has been used by occultists,metaphysicians, and healers to attract good spirits.

FRANKINCENSE-This fragrances is cleansing to the aura and to the environment.

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                             Spiritual Realm    Editor Debbie Decker    Copyright 2009

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